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Aqualisa Quartz

Make your shower an engaging bathroom accent by selecting a striking model from the Aqualisa Quartz Range. The range is a family of modern age Digital Sowers and shower accessories. Durable and thermostatic, Aqualisa Quartz offers a safe and powerful showering experience. The range offers the latest and advanced features, including remote control, thermostatic technology, OTP system and more, for revitalising, comforting and mesmerising showering. All showers from the range are now available at discounted rates at QS Supplies. Highlighting versatile shapes and robust bodies, each element in the range is manufactured with a fine material that looks stunning in any modern bathroom decor. The showers from the range are compatible with most home plumbing systems and offer a variety of durable finishes. Install any shower from the collection for better performance and functionality and an overall positive experience

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