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Macerator Pumps

We offer various macerator pumps at discounted prices from one of the leading manufacturers, Saniflo. With pumps produced by this brand, your toilet will function the way you need. Our macerators remove the need for extensive remodelling or extending the existing sewage system, cutting your expenses. In a perfect world, toilets are installed above ground & could easily use gravity to help the waste travel to its destination, but getting the waste out to the sewer line may be more challenging in many areas, such as RVs or from a toilet in the basement. With these pumps, you can install toilets in areas that are usually difficult to install. The macerators grind up waste into liquid form and make it easier to move, helping to push the waste to where it belongs quickly and efficiently.

These are convenient and durable as they are made of high-quality polypropylene and other plastic and come with different power ratings, motor types, sizes, and other specifications. Ensure you are aware of the installation requirements of the model you are interested in before making the purchase, and if you need to know more, you can read our buying guide on Macerators.


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