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Dual Fuel Towel Rails

Dual Fuel Towel rails effectively generate heat using two heating modes. Dual fuel models work by connecting to the central heating system, which is typically running in winter. These rails can also work on electricity by using an electric element. This makes them very cost-efficient. The dual fuel model is just a standard towel rail with a heating element, which works on electricity using a T-piece to change from one heat source to another.

As the name suggests, the primary purpose of a dual fuel towel rail is to dry out towels. The rails displayed at our online store have horizontal bars in the design, which allow the safe hanging of wet towels for quick drying. The appliance is practical, especially in winter when it is cold outside, and getting a dry, hot towel can feel like a blessing. These rails also radiate heat to warm up the bathroom to a certain degree. The heaters come in various designs, sizes, BTUs and finish choices.

These products also satisfy your decor needs as they are used in various ways, such as hanging on the wall. Some come with designer profiles which can enhance any setting. The rails come in many colours and finishes, such as chrome, steel, silver, black, copper, and many more. You can buy dual fuel towel rails from our online store from market-leading brands such as Aeon, Reina, Bias, Tivolis, DQ Heating and many more. Go ahead and browse our complete online collection at great price points. Select Curved, Straight, Designer and many other Heated Towel Rails.


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