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Shower Pumps

Shower pumps available at QS Supplies help boost water pressure in homes that do not get adequate pressure on their own. There's nothing worse than insufficient water pressure when you're trying to shower or bathe. Inadequate water pressure can make even the most expensive showerheads feel like they're barely drizzling water. That is why a shower pump from QS Supplies can be of such considerable assistance. If your plumbing system involves a gravity-fed roof tank, then a single impeller pump listed below may be all you need to boost the water to your bathroom. If you have a larger home with two or more bathrooms, however, then a twin impeller pump listed below may be necessary to get the water moving. Having adequate pressure is often required for the way that today's modern bathrooms are designed. That's why we carry top quality pumps from companies like Mira Showers, Stuart Turner, and Salamander that can help. Stop settling for insufficient pressure in the shower, and invest in a high-quality shower pump today to start boosting your pressure. If you are confused about selecting the correct one, read our guide on How To Choose The Correct Shower Pump For Your Home.


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