There are many ways to secure a home or a commercial property, but the most innovative approach that is preferred nowadays is alarms, cameras and reliable locks. Having perfect home security is a must for every homeowner, especially if seniors are there in the homes. Most homeowners install glass doors for their homes and windows to enjoy a regular view outside their homes. But these doors and windows may also invite thieves and criminals and are remarkably easy to break.
But there are some easy and effective ways to improve your home security. Instead of choosing glass external doors, selecting solid external doors and installing strong locks or deadbolts on any door is recommended. Installing home security system such as alarms and cameras, which features 24-hours monitoring, can assure you that your home is on constant watch. Homeowners also prefer installing motion sensor security lights outside their houses. Sensor security lights activate when someone gets too close to one’s property. These types of security lights are valuable during evenings and nights. Make sure trees outside your house are properly trimmed so you can easily view if any trespassers are passing by.

Most homeowners who can’t afford high-tech security systems install fake cameras. That’s a terrific way to protect your home. Burglars get scared away even if they see a fake camera. Not many burglars can make a difference between fake and true ones. But if you can afford original cameras, it’s recommended to install the right ones.
There are so many high-tech security gadgets available in the market. By exploring our online shop, you can get access to various external and interior doors which are strong and durable.
DIY Wireless Home Security

These days you can buy various security system kits to set up yourself. They provide wireless surveillance monitoring, sensors, and alarms that connect to mobile devices such as your phone, providing control and alerting you upon intrusion or break-in. Key features in such home security systems generally include:
- Entryway sensors - Useful for placing in a home’s doorways or windows to alert you upon an intruder's entry.
- Motion sensors - Can be placed anywhere else in the home. These days smart sensors can differentiate between intruders and non-threatening things like pets.
- Glass-break sensors - Useful for monitoring the windows of possible entry points.
- Security cameras - Digital CCTV cameras have become much more advanced, compact and affordable over the years.
- Video doorbells - Can connect to your phone and show you who's there when they press the doorbell.
- Remote Controls - Customisable remote controls to connect all your security gadgets to one control device.
- Floodlights - a simple way of deterring intruders is by illuminating your property at night.
- Panic buttons - Sometimes, a quick response from a security company or the police is needed.
Unlocking Technology: A brief look at locks!
Nothing is more important in everyone’s lives today than the simple act of locking! From the locking of mobiles to cupboards, the most important action we religiously follow is securing a property, whether it is a home, office or a piece of land. Locks are crucial for security and safeguarding valuables and assets, making them one of the most vital tools in the history of humankind’s progress into civilisation. Ironically, the need for locks has risen due to the machinations that come from the human mind, and the invention of the lock, too, is a product of the human mind. This is one aspect which has not changed over the ages and probably never will.

As fast as technology invents new and more foolproof products for security, the faster criminal minds find a way to unlock them. It is no wonder that the lock-making industry is a constantly evolving one. The presence of locks goes back a long way into the annals of civilisation. Archaeologists found a lock in the palace ruins of Khorsabad at Nineveh, and reports suggest this lock was approximately 4000 years old.
This ancient lock was quite simple, consisting of a wooden bolt, which had many holes on its upper surface, where wooden pegs were inserted to keep a door closed. It is believed to be the ancestor of the common Egyptian lock and the typical pin and tumbler lock that followed it. The traditional lock and key locks were the only ones used until 1960. Due to low security and built-in flaws, a new breed of mechanical locks was invented.
Today the basic lock has come a long way and is a highly sophisticated, complicated piece of machinery. There are many different types of locks available in the market, with different kinds of technologies and features, from the traditional lock to the Biometric one.
The mechanical types of locks can be categorised as:
- Mortise locks – These locks are used for doors and cupboards and are installed on the inner side, with a cut-out where the lock is to be fitted.
- Rim locks – These locks are attached to the surface of the door
- Cylinder Security locks – Such locks are more complicated and provide better security than lever locks.
In spite of including key-in-latch, cross bores, padlocks etc., all these can be compromised, and it has led to the entry of Keyless Locks. These locks are manufactured with cutting-edge technology and provide many extra security benefits.
These keyless locks consist of Pushbutton locks, which work with the pin and tumbler system for access provided in a code. Keyless locks also include electronic cypher locks and fingerprint locks. A constant need to upgrade security and make lock systems more sophisticated has led to the latest innovation in lock technology: the Biometric locking systems.

These are the most preferred locking systems today, as it uses a person’s unique identity for access, which cannot be replicated. Any aspect of a person can be used to operate a Biometric lock, from a fingerprint to voice to eye, face or hand scan. The Biometric Lock removes the need for traditional tools such as keys, codes, cards, etc. They also offer greater security as individual features are unique, and only the authorised person gets access through a Biometric lock.
This latest locking system is becoming increasingly popular due to its convenience, state-of-the-art security and sophistication. Currently, it is fast replacing mechanical locks in all areas of life, but this is just the beginning, as with time and the advent of futuristic technology, the making of a lock should turn up some highly interesting developments.
Information on Padlocks
Padlocks were first invented by the Egyptians 4000 years ago. And since then, there has been enhancement in the design and locking mechanism for padlocks. Nowadays, padlocks are available in various choices, including materials, colour, locking mechanism, shape and size.
Different Types of Padlocks
Although, there are many padlocks available in the market, but in this article, we will discuss Classic Brass Padlocks, High Security Padlocks, Combination Padlocks and Discuss Padlocks.
Classic Brass Padlocks

These padlocks are made from solid brass, offer reliable security, and are common in Asia. They last long as they are manufactured from non-corrosive materials. Classic brass padlocks are suitable for outdoor use.
Combination Padlocks

These types of locks are the most common for luggage bags. They consist of numbers and symbols. In order to open or lock these types of Padlocks, one needs to set a series of numbers. But the drawback of these locks is that you need to remember the series of numbers you have set to open and close. Usually, people forget the code if they don’t use it for a long time.
High Security Padlocks

High security padlocks are manufactured using hardened steel and offer ultra-high security. These types of padlocks are bump-proof and reliable. They are impossible to pick and drill; therefore, it is extremely tough to break these kinds of padlocks.
Discus Padlocks

Discus Padlocks are usually cylindrical. They feature a deadbolt locking mechanism. These padlocks offer outstanding security cylinders, and it’s hard to drill or cut, as they are manufactured with hardened steel rotating shackles and are bump resistant.
Door & Window Security.

Windows and doors are always crucial for a house; needless to say, they serve as the suitable space for entry and exit, allowing ventilation or a fresh breeze into the house. Brandishing the baton of ideas to protect such vital components of the house, which may attract unscrupulous and malicious intents and elements, in other words, burglars or thieves or intruders with ill will, becomes imperative. The most important thing to know is that you can’t stop your eyes from roving and craving to do a house-break theft, either through the door or window.
As far as doors are concerned, locks are the key protection. They protect the entire house/offices and many other such locations, so it’s reason enough to have a strong locking system. Do you ever come to know if the lock is old enough, impaired and worn out, and needs to be replaced? We don’t realise when they have conked off or are about to, after years of usage and extensive abrasion, rust or internal corrosion, because we rely entirely on them leaving the entire house/office at their disposal to take care of it.
There may also be situations when we misplace the locks and keys, which can’t absolve us from the responsibility of being aware and vigilant, yet we tend to neglect them. If they get lost or stolen, you can only have them replaced or resort to a locksmith to get a new one. If there’s a mishap like a theft or an untoward and unpleasant incident like any of those mentioned above, we end up cursing our fate, bad luck and the amiss.

In the modern age, dependency should be on the latest technology that can assure optimum safety. One of the results of efficacious technology and mechanism is the Barrel Bolt system, and they can be ideal installations for doors and window locks. Parallel options may be combinations of locks that can be apt for the security and accessibility of cabinets, safes, boxes etc. Whilst hinge systems or anchoring bolts can be perfect for sheds, gates and so on.
Windows can be further fortified with security films. The sheet of flexible and transparent effect-resistant polyester can always be a recourse one can resort to because the film binds the glasses, even if they are shattered. It requires power and force to destroy or break, yet they don’t let the glass particles break apart, thus, dissuading burglars or thieves from being persistent, for they also make a lot of noise whilst being broken and can alert neighbours. They are available in myriad sizes and thicknesses. They substantially serve and protect from solar rays, apart from toiling as a quintessential security shield against malicious and unscrupulous elements.
Information on Security Chains
Security chains are one of the most popular hardware items to secure motorbikes, bikes and doors. These are available in a variety of sizes and materials. For external doors, security chains are not that thick compared to what is used for motorbikes and bikes. But security chains for doors are not considered the safest option. By replacing door chains with door viewers, you can see who’s standing out of your door.
But burglars and thieves have got smart enough. They stand in such a way that they don’t come within a radius of the door lens. So it can be a better option to install both a door viewer and a security chain. Installing a door viewer lens, which covers 180 to 200 degrees, can give you maximum optics.
These types of chains offer reliable security & are common in Asia, and last long as they are manufactured from non-corrosive materials & are suitable for outdoor use.